Americans need high speed, affordable broadband to work, learn, shop and succeed in the world today, but millions of us don’t have reliable internet access.
The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program provides a once in a generation opportunity to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality broadband internet connections. The federal law contains strong guidelines for building broadband, but gives states options on how to implement the buildout.
These public dollars should be invested in quality infrastructure that stands the test of time - that means future-proof fiber technology, and a well-trained workforce in good jobs who can do the work safely. That’s why CWA members are getting involved at the state and local level to set labor standards and strengthen oversight agencies.
Sign our petition to ask state officials to create broadband buildout plans that ensure that these funds go towards lasting infrastructure and creating good jobs.
I support high speed, affordable broadband and good jobs in our communities.